Thursday, October 13, 2011


I have to say this: when I look at my children, I feel nothing but pride.  Thing Number Two is a soldier.  She has come so far from her 2 lb. 10 oz. self 16 months ago.  Thing Number One is so smart and sweet.  He is the most loving, affectionate child I have ever laid eyes on.  Which is why I'm feeling so disappointed right now.  I'm disappointed with his actions, but I'm also disappointed with myself and Dammit, because maybe this could have been prevented???

Thing Number One hit someone at school today.  Now I don't know all the details, but I do know he hit a girl, and he admits to feeling bad because he knows he did the wrong thing.  A few weeks ago, he came home with a full-mouth bite mark on his arm, saying that a classmate did it.  He later confessed that he bit himself, so I was hoping with every ounce of my being that maybe he was fibbing this time, too.  Isn't that terrible?  Because tomorrow or the next day, I have a blog about my feelings toward liars, and here I am hoping that my son is a fibber instead of a bully.

But is he a bully?  I mean, they are 4 and 5 year old children.  I know that they go through phases and they aren't always 100% in control of their emotions.  But does their age excuse their behavior?

Dammit and I do not condone violence.  Our children may experience a pop on the hand if they grab for something off-limits, or a pop on the behind if they misbehave.  But spanking is always a last resort punishment for us.  I fear that the root of the problem lies with Thing Number One's favorite movie: the new Karate Kid.  Don't get me wrong, I know karate isn't about violence or revenge or whatever.  It's about self-discipline and a lot of other noble things...... but does HE know that?  Is he too young to grasp that?

And he is a BOY.  They like to wrestle and play fight.  He wrestles with my nephews and he wrestles with Dammit.  Do we cut that out too?

I hate that he did this.  I'm dreading talking to his teacher tomorrow (me and Dammit take turns bringing him to school and we walk him to class out of fear of him getting distracted by the playground that is right next to the building his class is in).  We didn't get any kind of note or anything, but I absolutely have to know the circumstances behind this incident.  I don't feel like anything will make it okay, but I want to know why he did it.

I don't know if anybody is even reading this, but if you are, and you have any advice to offer, please feel free.  It will be much appreciated.

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